Духовные христиане в Армении — молокане, прыгуны, субботники, дух-и-жизники

Pryguny в Армении преобразовано в духижизники после 1930 года.

Spiritual Christians in Armenia — Molokane, Pryguny, Subbotniki, Dukh-i-zhizniki

Pryguny in Armenia transformed to Dukhizhizniki after 1930.
«Молокане. Сельский мотив»
1983 — “The Molokans. Rural theme,” a painting by Vidyakin Vsevolod, in a Molokan village, Lake Sevan, Armenia. Price ~$2,500. (Backup copy)

Home Tour of Armenia People, Russians

1993 — The Return of the Molokans, New Times
Проблемы этнокофессиональных групп духоборцев и молокан,
Светлана Инмкова
1998 — Problems with the Dukhobor and Molokan Ethno- Denominational Groups, by Svetlana A. Inikova

1999 — Photos of Spiritual Christians in Armenia and Georgia — PakerPhoto, 156 photos  —  FotoFinder.net, 75 photos — Ann Doherty Photos, 1 photo, Armenia

2000 Feb — A Handful of Russia in the Armenian Highlands, article by Mark Grigorian, with photos by Ruben Mangasaryan, Feb 2000
В конце осталось Слово, Ян. 2001
2001 Jan — In the end there was a Word

2001 Aug — The History of Caucasian Spiritual Christians Molokans and Doukhobors, book by Ivan Semyonov,  Erevan, Armenia (600 copies, 120 pages, 20 pictures) by By Karine Ter-Saakian in Yerevan, IWPR: Caucasus Reporting Service

2001 Oct 30 — Armenia: Fading Fortunes of 'Little Russia' by Mark Grigorian
Деревня изобретателей
2001 Dec — A village of inventors, by Stella Martirosian, video with translated text

2002 — The Ethnic Minorities of Armenia, by Garnik Asatryan and Victoria Arakelova. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, (PDF) Page 17

2002 — Minorities in the South Caucasus, by Anna Matveeva (PDF) Pages 38-39

2002 — Jews in Armenia: The Hidden Diaspora, (Molokan-Subbotniki) thesis/ film by grad  student Vartan Akchyan, Georgetown University.

2002 Apr — For Christ and Cabbage: Molokans Preserve Their Way of Life, by Mark Grigorian, Armenian International Magazine Glendale, California, Vol. 13, Issue 3, page 46

2002 Jun — Pryguny Jumper Molokans in Armenia: Correspondence William Chalfant and Joyce Bivin
Духовные христиане — русские, украинцы, чуваши, мордвы, армяни ...  — «Живут ли чуваши в Армении?»
М. Юхма, Минкультуры Чувашии

2002 July 31 — Spiritual Christians are Russians, Ukrainians, Chuvashs, Mordvins, Armenians ...  — “Do Chuvashs live in Armenia?”
M. Yuhma, Ministry of Culture, Chuvash Republic
Лермонтово... Фиолетово...
2002 Nov — Lermontovo... Fioletovo... by Robert Babloian, Noah's Ark

2002 Nov — Visit to Maksim G. Rudometkin's Clan and Prison, by John M. Novikoff

2002 Dec — FIOLETOVO by Viorica Vladica, journalism student, University of Armenia

2003 Jan — Bound by Belief: Spiritual Christians Molokans hold on to faith and tradition in changed world [offline]

2003 Mar 7 — Dim Future in Armenia for the Spiritual Christians Molokans, by Dr. Ian McIntosh, Senior Editor, Cultural Survival reports: 45,000 departed, 5000 remain
Русские в Армении считают земли Арарата своими 2003 Jun — Russians in Armenia consider the land of Ararat is theirs, REN-TV News
Around the World 2003 Jul  — Vokrug Sveta

2003 Jul 18 — Spiritual Christians Molokans: A Quiet Community in Armenia, by Ruben Mangasaryan
В Армении осталось менее 5 тысяч молокан 2003 Aug 15 — Old Russian sectarians maintain traditions: Fewer than 5,000 Spiritual Christians Molokans remain in Armenia
Around the World 2003 Sep 18 — Vokrug Sveta
В Армении уже почти 200 лет живут молокане 2003 Nov 10 — Spiritual Christians Molokans lived in Armenia almost 200 years by now, TV Central segment text

2004 Sep —  Spiritual Christians Molokans in Armenia: Fioletovo, Lori Region, Republic of Armenia [offline]

2004 Oct 20 — Expelled from the homeland  by Naira Bulghadaryan, Photos by Onnik Krikoryan

2004 Nov 10 — Armenian Job Sharks Do Brisk Business,

2004 Nov 24 — Second Report submitted by Armenia Pursuant to Article 25, Paragraph 1 of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Council of Europe

2004 Sep 6 — Fioletova, Armenia: Photos from Onnik Krikorian

2005  — Photoshare Photo Contest (Armenia, Asia ), 3 photos

2005 Jan 26 — Armenia's Authorities Do Not React to Request of the Dukh-i-zhiznik Molokan Community of Yerevan, ArmInfo News Agency

2005 Apr 27 — UNICEF To Help Develop Universal Education Program, Armenpress
Educating Minority Children by Onnik Krikorian, OneWorld.am
Real Lives: Educating Minority Children, by Onnik Krikorian, UNICEF Armenia
Так считают молокане Лорийской области
2005 Apr 28 — What Spiritual Christians Molokans in Lori Region Think, Business Express

2005 May 24 — Spiritual Christians Molokans in Armenia: Fioletovo, Lori Region, Armenia by Onnik Krikorian

2005 July 9 — Education in Armenia for Assyrians and other minorities, by Onnik Krikorian, Christians of Iraq

2005 July 14 — Minority education in Armenia, Siberian Light

2005 Sept 5 — Lessons for a Spiritual Christian Molokan, by Onnik Krikorian, Transitions Online

2005 Sept 13 — Lessons for a Spiritual Christian Molokan, by Onnik Krikorian, EurAsia Insight

2005 Sept 13 —  "New Shenqs of Downtown Yerevan", Life in Armenia, "a lot of Molokon workers ... very very good workers."

2005 Oct — “The Spiritual Christians Molokans: Rights within and outside the community” by Shavarsh Khachatrian (PDF file), pages 12-16, Ditord/Observer, Human Rights in Armenia, Yerevan, Pages 12-16

2005 Oct 28 — Desertion or Deception?: Armenia’s first conscientious objectors on trial for refusal to complete “civil service”, by Vahan Ishkhanyan, ArmeniaNow

2005 Oct-Dec — The Last Communits of the Caucasus, BMED Impressions [offline]

2005 Nov 11 —  Deported from Childhood: “There were Armenians suffering everywhere”, by Suren Musayelyan, ArmeniaNow

2005 Nov 11 — Convictions for Conviction: Alternative service recruits sentenced on AWOL charges

2005 Dec — Spiritual Christian Molokan in Armenia — Hay collection in Lori mountains, Armenia, 2 photos by Nazarian
Дилижан — русский след в истории, Лилит Чибухчян
Дилижан: Историческая справка
2006 — Dilizhan is a Russian footprint in history, by Lilit Chibukhchian
Dilijan: Historical information

2006 Feb 22 — ARMENIA: Nearly 50 Jehovah's Witness and Molokan prisoners of conscience

2006 Mar 15 — Heaven and Earth: Religious minorities find that conscience and duty continue to clash in dispute over alternative to military service

2006 Jun 8 —  Small HPP put into operation in Armenian village ["Molokan Village of Lermontovo"], ARKA News
Молокане, Александр Каменяр, Русский Базар 2006 Jun 15 — Spiritual Christians Molokans, by Aleksandr Kameniar, Russian Bazaar
Молокане в Армение на телевидение: Фермеры женщин Фиолетово на волне 65 секунд в 2006г., Вести Недели
2006 Oct 22 — Spiritual Christians Molokans in Armenia on TV: Fioletovo women farmers on air 65 seconds in 2006,  Vesti Nedeli

2007 — Map of 5 Erevan Dukh-i-zhiznik Prayer Halls 

2007 — Armenian Spiritual Christians Molokans by Dr. H. Hovhanessyan. Republican, Num. 8 (50), 2007 — Translated from Armenian
Молокане в Армении: Русская школа в Фиолетово, Константин Дьячков 2007 Apr 10 — Spiritual Christians Molokans in Armenia: Russian school in Fioletovo, by Konstantin D'iachkov

2007 May — 6 Photos of Dukh-i-zhizniki by Sergey Maximishin:
Fioletovo and Dilijan villages
, Armenia, Mazimishin.com

2007 May 8 — Armenia: 72 religious prisoners of conscience is new record — Nikolai Karavanov interviewed

2007 Nov 1 — The Spiritual Christians Molokans in Armenia, research article by Araml Haytian, Yerevan State University
Iran and the Caucasus, Volume 11, Number 1, 2007 , pp. 33-44(12)
Последние из молокан: Русская духовная община в Армении переживает упадок 2007 Dec 4 —  The Last of the Spiritual Christians Molokans: The Russian spiritual community in Armenia survives a decline
82 гражданина Армении предпочли альтернативной службе тюремные камеры, АрмИнфо,  2008-01-28 2008 Jan 28 — 82 citizens of Armenia prefer prison cells to alternative service, ARMINFO News Agency, Yerevan

2008 Winter — A Miniature Russia in the North of Armenia, National Geographic Traveler

2008 June 12 — Does Russian/Slavic Tribe Of Spiritual Christians Molokans Still Live In Armenia?Hye Club Forum, Forum.AmenianClub.com
Маленькая Россия на Севере Армении
Текст: Марк Григорян
Невиданная Армения, 2008, ct. 46-49
2008 —  "Little Russia" in the North of Armenia, By Mark Grigoryan. Armenia Undiscovered, 2008, pages 12-14
La Petite Russie du Nord de l’Armιnie, article: Marc Grigorian. Extraordinaire Armιnie, 2008, pages 82-85
Молокане в Армении: Фиолетово и Лермонтово, В.В. Новиков, Ереван ринок 2008 Sept 13-15 — Spiritual Christians Molokans in Armenia: Fioletovo and Lermontov,  V.V. Novikov, Erevan market — Dodo's Journal, Live Journal

2008 Dec 11 — ARMENIA: Imprisonment of some 80 conscientious objectors "not a human rights issue", by Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

2009 Apr 18 — The man in the gray coat — Living in Armenia, "Molokans' street", Arabkir district, Erevan, Armenia

Духовные христиане — вокгуг света
Spiritual Christians Around the World